conscious dance at noon

A lunchtime dance class for your well-being. Treat yourself to a dynamic, mindful lunch break in Aix-en-Provence.

Dancing on your lunch break

Breathe and move
1 hour to take care of yourself
Simplement pour se sentir bien vivantE

A dance class to connect with the body and sensations so that self-criticism stops and the head lets go.

In Aix-en-Provence, a dance workshop in which we forget about looking good, doing things right... We look for movements that make us feel good about ourselves.
Music helps you escape. It leads to new ways of moving. You feel good and free.
Workshop after workshop, you find your feet in the dance space, learn to listen better to yourself and follow your inner movement.
And if you wish, this state of being can be infused into your daily life...

Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

in Aix-en-Provence


Workshops open to all, with or without dance experience

Free up some time and space, and partons en exploration intérieure, no connect with your body, its sensations and emotions.

Move to feel present, alive, connected and free.

The workshop starts at 12:30. From 12.20 pm, a musical atmosphere welcomes you for a smooth transition.

Join us at the Salle de Danse Ruocco in Aix-en-Provence for a workshop at conscious dance !

The workshop is divided into 3 parts:

  • Accueil et transition (10min)
  • Mouvement en musique (45min)
  • Partage d’expérience (5min)

Come and dance

All year round, you can try out our new classes at the introductory rate of €9. After that, you can come for one session at atime or buy a 10-class card.

Comme pour la plupart des activités, venir régulièrement permet d’installer la pratique et ses bienfaits dans votre vie.

How to find us in Aix-en-Provence

D'octobre à fin avril, nous dansons en salle

at Salle de danse Ruocco

Residence Li Passéroun

348, Avenue Gaston Berger

Bus stop: Fenouillères - Freeparking

Once you've arrived: Enter the gym with the apparatus and climb the spiral staircase to the second floor.

Photo Salle Ruocco

Rendez-vous en extérieur

Nous dansons sur la pelouse du Complexe Sportif du Val de l'Arc qui se situe Avenue des infirmeries à Aix-en-Provence

GPS: Complexe Sportif du Val de L'arc

Arrêt de bus : Val de l'Arc            -        Parking gratuit


Une fois arrivé-e : nous nous installons le long des arbres, près du mur d'escalade.

En cas de mauvais temps, nous nous retrouverons à la Salle de Danse Ruocco - 348, Avenue Gaston Berger - Aix-en-Provence.


outdoor meeting point card

(Re)connect to yourself, to others and to the world with fluidity, confidence and kindness.

Témoignage :

J'ai trouvé... "que c'était une très belle expérience. Je suis arrivée énervée et stressée et repartie en me sentant apaisée. Merci!."


Free dance and Movement Medicine in particular have changed my life, changing the way I perceive the world and interact with others. In my blog, you'll find a wealth of experience to help you understand how dance movement can become a powerful tool for transformation and self-healing.

Mars - Nurturing dreams through dance

Mars - Nurturing dreams through dance

Giving time and attention to your dreams, taking small steps in their direction, is in itself exhilarating and a way of enjoying life. But it's also simply the way to make them come true. Not convinced? Give it a try...